How do I view install cost and retail price in the quote table?

Difference between install cost and retail price

A quote's install cost is the total cost of the job to the installer including hardware, additional costs, labor, and margin. The retail price of a quote is the amount that the customer will pay, inclusive of any applicable financing fees and buydowns from incentives. Depending on the financial product, available incentives, and other factors, the install cost may or may not be equal to the retail price for a job. 

Viewing install cost in the quote table

To view the install cost from the quote table, look at the value under the "Install Cost" column for the specific quote.

Viewing retail price in the quote table

To view the retail price, you may head over to the Quote Summary, which can be access through the options buttoned (three vertically aligned dots) on the left sight of the specific product.

Once the Quote Summary is open, you can find the Retail price under Project Costs.

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