What are the Signed projects in the project selector dropdown? And what does the revert option in the kebab menu do?

When a contract or document is generated, EverBright saves down a copy of the live project at that point in time. Once that contract or document is fully executed, then that signed contract project becomes available to users with access to the Project Phase.

These signed contract projects are locked and available for viewing in a read-only fashion. However, users can also take advantage of the ability to duplicate the project or revert their current project to this copied version. These features allows users to easily retract unwanted changes to a project in order to maintain consistency in the workflow for the associated project. See the instructions below for details on how to revert a project back to its' previous state at signing.

Reverting a Project:

Assumptions at this point are: a project design has been completed, a quote has been made, and a contract for that quote has been executed.

1. Navigate to the Project Phase.

2. Click the kebab in the project sidebar next to the project name.


3. Select the “Revert” option in the kebab dropdown.

4. A modal will appear displaying the signed project name and date, as well as related contract and project information.

5. Select “Revert Project” in red to revert the project to its' state at contract signing.

6. To cancel without reverting, select “Close”.


Read-Only Projects:

Note: a signed contract project is read-only, meaning that is cannot be manipulated and only limited actions are available. You will see the lock icon and message at the top of the design drawer when viewing a read-only project.


1. Navigate to the Project Phase.

2. Click the kebab in the design drawer next to the project name.

3. Select the “Duplicate” option in the kebab dropdown.

4. A new project titled “Project Name (Copy)” will be generated.


In the toolbar next to the project design drawer, there will be 2 icons with available actions in read-only mode - snapshot and measurements.

To take a snapshot:

  1. Select the “Snapshot” option in the toolbar.

  2. The capture image modal will open - select an updated snapshot as desired.

  3. When complete, click capture to capture an image of the system, the download icon to download a pdf of the snapshot, or done to cancel without capturing a new image.

View measurements:

  1. Select the “Measurements” option in the toolbar.

  2. Make selections to see the relevant measurements.

  3. Click done when complete.