In-Proposal Design

How to edit using In-Proposal Design?

To edit the project design in the proposal, a few things need to be true: 

  1. An RSD input mode design has been created in the EverBright platform in the project phase. 

    1. An RSD input mode design consists of an image of the roof and panels have been added to the roof. 

  2. A quote has been made using this RSD input mode design 

  3. A new EverBright proposal has been generated using the quote and RSD input mode design 

  4. You have permission to edit the proposal 

  5. The project is not associated with a signed contract

    1. Once a project is associated with a signed contract, you will not be able to edit the project in the proposal 

  6. The proposal template must have the System Overview widget 


How to access the project in the proposal to edit:

To edit the project in the proposal, generate the proposal and scroll down to the System Overview section of the proposal. If you have the correct permissions, you will see a ‘Edit Project’ button in the top right corner. Select this button to open the project edit view. 


When you first open the edit project screen, you will be in select mode. Using select mode will enable you to select panels within the design across arrays. You can choose to select individual panels or use a click and drag action to select multiple panels.

Once you have selected panels, the panel toolbar will display. From here you can choose to rotate, align or delete panels.


Panels will rotate based on the pattern of the panels selected. Panels that are in the middle of other panels cannot be rotated unless the other panels are also selected to be rotated. Selected panels will rotate counterclockwise. If the selected panels cannot be rotated, the rotate button will be disabled.

The panels will rotate to remain next to the panels they were initially next to.

You can rotate multiple panels at the same time – even if they are not next to each other. Groups of panels will rotate each panel within that group.

If rotating a panel causes the panel to go off the roof or into an obstruction, then the panel will turn red to indicate it's in an invalid location. See invalid panels below.


You can choose to align panels in grid or pyramid alignment. In order for the alignment button to be available, you must select all of the panels that are touching to be able to align.

Grid alignment will line panels end to end, forming a grid.

Pyramid alignment will line panels from their midpoint, creating a pyramid or brick formation.


Remove Panels

You can remove panels by selecting one or more panels across the design and then select the trash can icon from the panel menu. You can choose panels that are in different areas of the design to remove the panels.

If you delete all of the panels within the design, you will not be able to update the proposal.


Move Panels

To move panels, select the panel or drag to select multiple panels that you want to move. Click or tap and hold on the selected panels to then move them to your desired location.

If you are moving a panel next to an existing panel, you will see guidelines that show where the panels will snap into place. If you do not want to snap the panel next to another panel, you can shake or wiggle the panel to then place it where you would like.

Panels cannot be moved to invalid locations, including outside of the designated area, on top of another panel or identified obstruction or in a designated setback. If you try to move a panel to an invalid location, the panel will move back to where it was previously located.


Invalid Panels

A panel will display in red if it is in an invalid location. These locations include overlapping with other panels, being outside of the design area and overlapping with designated obstructions or setbacks.

When panels are in invalid locations, the design details will not update and will be greyed out. You will also not be able to update the proposal until the invalid panels are resolved.

To resolve an invalid panel, you can undo the last action taken, delete the invalid panel or move the invalid panel to a valid location.


Adding Panels

Select the Add option from the bottom toolbar, you’ll then be able to choose the orientation of the panels you want to add. The orientation will default to the most common orientation in the design.

When adding a panel on desktop, you’ll see a shadow panel as your move your mouse around the designated design areas to indicate where the panel will be placed. Much like moving a panel, the shadow panel will snap to existing panels following the guidelines. The shadow panel will not display if the panel would be placed in an invalid location.

Tapping or clicking within a valid location will add a panel to the design. To add more than one panel, simply hold your click/tap and drag where you’d like to place panels. If you drag in a diagonal, then panels will be added to both rows and columns.


The Undo option in the bottom toolbar allows you to undo the last action taken. If you select undo multiple times, then multiple actions will be undone – all the way back to the initial design. The option will display in a disabled state when you cannot undo any further.


The Revert option will reset the panels to the initial design of the current session and is only enabled when a change has been made.

If you choose to update the proposal and then return to make changes, this is a new session and revert will reset the panels to the updated design.

Project Details

Additional details can be found in the project details pop-up. This can be accessed by selecting the house icon in the side menu. On desktop and tablet, this button is on the bottom right, on mobile it will be in the top left.


The project details card displays the type of project (solar or solar + storage), the annual usage, productivity as well as equipment information about the panels and batteries if included.


Underneath the project details button, there are a + and button that can be used to zoom in and out on the map.

You can also zoom by using the scroll wheel on the mouse, trackpad gestures and pinch and zoom on a tablet or mobile device.

Move the Map

To move the map, select the move the map icon next to the zoom buttons. This will enable you to pan around the map area.

There are also shortcut hot keys to enable map panning while in select or add mode. You can hold down the spacebar which will turn the arrow mouse into a hand and enable you to pan around the map area.


To save the changes you’ve made to the panel design, select the ‘Update Proposal’ button in the top right corner. You will receive a confirmation message, select to continue to save the changes. Select go back to remain in the edit view.

Once you select to continue, a new snapshot will be made and the changes to the design will be saved back to the platform, updating the project phase in the platform, the related quotes and the proposal.

If changes to the project have made a quote invalid, this will be displayed on the proposal.


If you make changes in the edit view and decide that you no longer want to make changes, you can select the ‘Cancel’ button. You'll see a confirmation and then be returned to the proposal.