What customer information can I set on the Address phase?

In the Address Phase there's an accordion for Job Info where you can define certain settings for your job:


Note: Jobs will default to English for the language and residential for the job type.

How do I set the site primary language?

You can use the Primary Language dropdown to set the language. Our currently available languages are English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.

How do I set the tax rates?

You can also set the Federal Tax Rate (commercial properties only), State Tax Rate (commercial properties only), Property Tax Rate, and NPV Yearly Discount Rate in this section. These values are defaulted as shown above and may or may not impact your job based on the financing product quoted and if it is a residential or commercial job.

State and Federal Tax Rates can be set between 0 and 100.


Note: Federal and State Tax Rates also appear by default in the Assumptions section of EverBright proposals for commercial properties (shown below) - these rates should not be confused with the Federal Tax Credit (ITC) or with any applicable State Tax Credits - they have their own fields populated within the Incentives & Tax Savings table. The Federal and State Tax Rates are exclusively relevant for organizations quoting PACE financing products, and can be removed from the Incentives & Tax Savings table in proposal settings (for more on editing proposals, visit: https://goeverbright.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SS/pages/338526228).

How do I set building information?

Finally, in the Job Info section, you can select the building type, square footage and utilize the toggle if the site is a retrofit job. These settings will impact the usage phase as well as certain product and incentive qualifications. 

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