How do I view and customize a shade qualification report?

The EverBright Shade Qualification report was verified as accurate by an on-site analysis (using a SunEye) from NYSERDA, the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority.

Users with access to the Project Phase can view and download “Shade Qualification Reports” to better understand yearly solar access on a site and easily convey shading information and impact to customers. A PDF version of shade qualification is accessible in any project through the Project Phase. Follow the steps below to access and download shade reports.

  1. Navigate to the Project Phase.

  2. Ensure that an array has been created and calculations have been run, or shade qualification will not be available.

  3. Select the upward-facing carrot on the “Yearly Solar Access” overlay.


  1. Select “Download Shade Qualification” in blue on the solar access overlay.

  2. A “EverBright Shade Report” will generate in a webpage.


  1. On the “EverBright Shade Report” webpage, note that a “Download” button is populated in the top right-hand corner. Select “Download” to download a PDF version of the shade report. See below for sample report.


Sample “EverBright Shade Report”:




Users with access to organization settings can also customize shade reports. Follow the instructions below to learn more.

  1. Navigate to the Project Phase in the settings hub and select the “Shade Qualification” tab.

  2. Note by default (and labeled as such) there is a “EverBright Shade Qualification Report”.

  3. Selecting “+ New Template” in green will open a popup window featuring any existing shade report templates - new templates are created by copying an existing one (using the default report if no others have been created) and editing at will.

    1. Note: shade reports function and edit in the same manner as proposal templates - for extensive information on how to edit these documents, visit:

  1. Select the triple dots under “Actions” on a given shade report to access further customization options.

  2. Select “Open Template” to open and edit the shade report.

  3. Select “Rename” to rename the shade report.

  4. Select “Recipients” to change who email notifications are sent to for the “Submit Feedback” and “Refer a friend” functions.

  5. Select “Set Job Types” to designate a shade report’s intended use - “Residential”, “Commercial”, or both.

  6. Select “Set as Default” to designate a shade report as the default template - the “EverBright Shade Qualification Report” is the defaulted selection.

  7. Select “Duplicate” to create a copy of a given shade report.

  8. Select “Share” to send a shade report template to partner organizations.